Lux flooring Pleven
Repair, grinding and restoration of stone and stone flooring - marble, mosaic, granite, concrete, etc

Laying self-levelling cement coatings

Lux Flooring Pleven performs professional laying of various types of self-leveling wear-resistant cement floor sealants. 

We offer:

  • Preparation and laying various types of self-levelling cement coatings.
  • Repair and reconstruction of old and partially destroyed concrete floorings.

Cement self-levelling floor coatings are used more and more often, as they provide excellent results for strength, thickness and wear-resistance. Designed for: 

  • Halls;
  • Garages;
  • Warehouses;
  • Industrial zones and others. 

We guarantee excellent quality of performance and short periods of implementation. 

You can contact us on the mobile numbers or send us a request and we will contact you within the same working day. 

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